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Rampton Primary School

'Enrich, Empower, Inspire'

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Our whole school attendance target is 96.5%. We will report attendance to parents termly. Below is information to help explain attendance percentages:

  •  95% and over (excellent attendance)


  •  90-95% (satisfactory attendance)


  • below 90% (poor attendance, needs action)


As well as keeping parents up to date with their child's attendance, we also communicate whole school attendance and class attendance in Celebration Assemblies. Children of the best class win a trophy and the winners of the best class each half term receive extra playtime.


At the end of the year children receiving annual <98% and 100% attendance are celebrated in assembly, where they each receive a reward. 

Parents can support with raising the profile of attendance by:

  • keeping absences to a minimum
  • only keeping children off school for major illness/injury
  • arranging medical/dental appointments outside school hours


Thank you. frown


This year we will continue to reward children for achieving 100% attendance and we

also have some exciting new incentives to reward children achieving above the school target of 96.5%.



Image result for gold medal


