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Rampton Primary School

'Enrich, Empower, Inspire'

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Diversity, Equality and Behaviour at Rampton Primary school

The behaviour of pupils at Rampton Primary School is good, because our school's response to bullying does not start at the point where a child has been bullied...

We are proud that our pupils display exceptional behaviour, with manners, courtesy and compassion towards each other as the norm. We believe in a whole school approach that ensure consistency and clarity. 


At Rampton Primary School…..

  1. All children have the right to learn and play in an environment in which they feel safe
  2. All staff have the right to be treated with respect by pupils and parents just as pupils and parents have the right to be treated with respect by staff
  3. All children will be treated fairly and equally by staff
  4. All incidents will be dealt with fairly and consistently
  5. All children and parents/carers will know about the ethos of the school and what that means. The Golden Rules will be on display in classrooms and around school including the parent/carer notice board
  6. Parents/carers will be informed of serious incidents or persistent unacceptable behaviour
  7. In responding to an individual child’s inappropriate behaviour, staff will take into account any circumstances particular to the child/ren and situation
  8. The Governors’ discipline committee will meet whenever necessary to discuss specific incidents and make decisions about fixed or permanent exclusions

Our Whole School Golden Rules

We know that we are all different and we celebrate and respect diversity.

The Equality Act 2010 combined nine separate pieces of legislation into one single Act simplifying the law and strengthening it in important ways to help tackle discrimination and inequality.

The Act introduced 9 protected characteristics;



Gender reassignment

Marriage and civil partnership


Religion and belief


Sexual orientation

Pregnancy and maternity


The Act also specifies particular areas of protection e.g. in employment and within education and set out general and specific duties which schools must meet.

The public sector Equality Duty consists of a general duty and some specific duties that are designed to help organisations like ours, meet their general duty.


Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)

The General Duty has three aims;

it requires public bodies to have due regard to the need to:

• eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act

• advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it; and

• foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not.


Compliance with the general duty is a legal obligation to provide services which meet the diverse needs of our pupils, parents and staff.


Specific Duties require public bodies to:

• publish relevant, proportionate information demonstrating compliance with the Equality Duty. Subsequently, the information must be published at least annually; and

• set and publish first equality objectives which are specific and measurable. Subsequent objectives must be published at least every four years.


Publishing Data

The information published must show that you have consciously thought about the three aims of the Equality Duty as part of the decision-making process. The Information should include the effects that policy and practice have had on people who share a protected characteristic e.g. Race, disability, gender and age breakdown Indication of likely representation on sexual orientation and religion or belief.



Ofsted within its inspections also looks for evidence of adhering to statutory requirements and how effective our school is in promoting equality of opportunity and tackling discrimination. In particular they are looking for evidence of how:

• E&D is promoted among staff, learners, employers, parents and other partners

• The impact of its E&D work is assessed and takes appropriate action in response to findings

• Effective training so that at all levels people are able to understand their roles and responsibilities in relation to E&D

• All learners are protected from harassment, bullying and discrimination, including those based with employers

• It manages incidents and complaints related to E&D

• Targets are set and data is used to monitor, analyse and improve performance by different groups of learners

• Action is taken to reduce significant variation between different groups of learners


Key features for outstanding  equality and diversity would include:

  • High success rates for all learners
  • Equality has a strategic prominence and is integral to self –assessment and planning
  • Equality is understood by all and is evident in daily activities
  • Clear and decisive evaluation and monitoring of performance and outcomes of different groups of learners and appropriate action taken to narrow gaps
  • Managing attendance and absences and how this can have an impact upon achievement
  • Well planned curriculum meets needs of individual learner with good referrals to other providers where provider is unable to do this
  • Inappropriate behaviour, comments and bullying is challenged
  • Strong community involvement
  • Employers actively engaged and promote commitments and benefits of diversity
  • Frequent and effective staff training at all levels
  • E&D is embedded across all areas of teaching, training, learning

The Equality Act - 2010

Progammes current running at our school...

Cyber bullying - STOP! BLOCK! TELL!
