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Rampton Primary School

'Enrich, Empower, Inspire'

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  • Super Start to School - Super Hero Day

    Mon 19 Aug 2019

    Super Start to School - Super Hero Day

    Friday 6 September 2019


    Having been at our school for a little while now, it is clear to me  that you are the most amazing children.  Everyday I watch kind deeds unfold in front of my eyes with extraordinary wisdom and compassion. Just like superheroes, you use your strengths to help others.

    To ensure that all these powers are used to the best of their abilities, I would like to identify ambassadors throughout the school  who can be called upon to support others who might be struggling with something. These ambassadors might be for an academic subject area such as reading or times tables, creative like art or DT or  something more pastoral like our Eco Warriors or Friendship ambassador.

    I am therefore asking you to identify which ambassador you feel you could be. Think of your strengths and how they could help others. When you have an idea, please can you create a poster or certificate or…anything your imagination can come up with, to identify yourself. I will then display these in my office for any visitor, parent, governor and pupil to see.  You may  then be asked to help your fellow pupils at some point in the future.

    Please can these be brought to school  on  Friday   6 September as part of our Super Hero Day!

  • Exciting News... Hogwarts is coming to Rampton

    Mon 19 Aug 2019

    Thursday 3 October 2019

    Hogwarts is coming to Rampton!


    After an initial Sorting Ceremony, the children will take part in a Quidditch Tournament running throughout the day. They will be taught how to play the game of Quidditch and gain points for their house. The day will end with an assembly to announce the winning team and present the Quidditch Cup!


    The children are invited to dress up as witches and wizards or any of their favourite Harry Potter characters.


    To continue this ghoulish mood,  we will then be hosting our Halloween Disco with spooky snacks, and deathly drinks and ghostly goodies to purchase.



