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Rampton Primary School

'Enrich, Empower, Inspire'

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Covid 19 Recovery Plan

The coronavirus (Covid-19) catch-up premium is aimed at helping schools mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the educational outcomes of our children. The purpose of this funding is to help children and young people ‘catch up’ with their education and to make up for lost teaching time. The following information details how we will use our funding at Rampton Primary School:


How we intend to use the grant:


PiXL autumn transition package / diagnosis therapy testing

  1. Identifying specific gaps in learning in key domains within English and maths for both whole class and specific individuals.
  2. Formulation of therapies to address the gaps.
  3. Guidance from Raising Standards Lead to support teachers in using the diagnostic question level analysis effectively.


Phonics intervention

  1. Additional daily phonics sessions taking place in early years, key stage 1 and year 3.
  2. Guidance, support and CPD for teachers from Phonics Lead.
  3. Switch On reading CPD for staff involved
  4. Purchase of additional resources to support small group intervention.
  5. Baseline of phonics knowledge on return to school to identify next teaching steps and children for intervention.
  6. Revision of phase 1 phonics revisited in reception as the building blocks of phonics development


NELI - Early language intervention

  1. Staff CPD on early language development via Nuffield early language intervention.
  2. Appointment of Early Language Lead.
  3. Environment audit for communication friendly spaces.
  4. Every Child A Talker (ECAT) trackers used to identify children in need of intervention.
  5. Small group intervention for identified children.
  6. Deployment of additional adult.
  7. Early language and communication is prioritised within the setting.


Access to pastoral support and PiXL character and wellbeing

  1. Identification of children who require additional support – time allocated with pastoral lead where appropriate.
  2. Support for parents in terms of signposting to other agencies or counselling.
  3. Roll out of the PiXL Character and wellbeing programme to all year groups.


Revision of the curriculum through Cornerstone Gap Analysis 

  1. Curriculum streamlined to ensure depth of coverage and to ensure identified gaps in learning are covered.
  2. Subject Leaders support class teachers to identify and implement recovery curriculum 