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Rampton Primary School

'Enrich, Empower, Inspire'

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Welcome to Innovators!



                       Mrs L Floyd                                        Miss L Reed

Welcome to Innovator's class page. Here you will find information about what your child is currently learning, spellings, homework, photos and any other important information.


Spellings are tested weekly on Thursdays. Your child should bring home new spellings every Thursday - these will be practised in class daily and should be practised at home regularly.



Children are expected to read a minimum of 3 times per week. Reading diaries will be checked on a Friday. 1 dojo is awarded for 3 reads in the week, 2 dojos for 5, and 3 dojos for 7 or more reads. We have a half termly treat for the children who read a minimum of 3 times a week throughout the half term and have their reading diaries signed.



In Year 4, children complete the Multiplication Check - by the end of Year 4 children are expected to know and be able to recall their times tables up to 12 X 12. Children are set tasks on TTRS and are expected to spend a few minutes a day practising times tables - even if it's just chanting them on a car journey or during tea!


