PBWL including RE/SRE
Religious Education at Rampton
Religious Education in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire schools contributes dynamically to children and young people’s education in schools, provoking challenging questions about human life, beliefs, communities and ideas.
In RE pupils learn from religions and worldviews about different ways of life in local, national and global contexts. They discover, explore and consider many different answers to questions about human identity, meaning and value. They learn to weigh up for themselves the value of wisdom from different communities, to disagree respectfully, to be reasonable in their responses to religions and worldviews and to respond by expressing insights into their own and others’ lives. They think rigorously, creatively, imaginatively and respectfully about their ideas in relation to religions and worldviews.
The National Curriculum states the legal requirement that:
“Every state-funded school must offer a curriculum which is balanced and broadly based, and which: x Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and x Prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.”
“All state schools... must teach religious education to pupils at every key stage... All schools must publish their curriculum by subject and academic year online” (DfE National Curriculum Framework, July 2013, page 4).
At rampton Primary School, the subject of RE is a fundamental basis of our whole school vision:
"Rampton Primary School aims develop the whole child. Our priority is to create conditions to enable every child to stimulate their natural curiosity and apply their creative thinking. Our curriculum has been designed to empower all our pupils to have curious minds and become active, confident, independent learners, giving each child ‘the opportunity to think’ rather than telling them ‘what to think.’ We embrace and celebrate every child’s uniqueness, continually providing opportunities to develop their resilience, knowledge and skills, thus providing them with the cultural capital necessary to live a happy, healthy, truly fulfilling life."
Our teaching of Religious Education follows the guidance given in the latest Agreed Syllabus for Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire:-
Religious Education for All - The Agreed Syllabus for RE in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire
Using this Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education, we will enable our pupils to discover more about religion as well as other world views as we assist them to apply their learning to a range of topics. Our pupils are encouraged to express ideas and insights into key questions which face all human beings as we travel through life. They will take part in lessons, and could also receive visitors to school sharing a range of religious viewpoints and undertake their own visits to varied places of worship, Covid permitting.
Through these experiences they will gain insights and knowledge to help equip them as responsible citizens, ready to contribute positively to our society and the wider world.
The three-fold aims of RE in Nottingham City and the County will ensure that our pupils:
1. Know and understand a range of religions and world views which will allow them to recognise the diversity which exists in our city and wider society.
2. Can express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and the impact of religions and world views as they develop their own personal views on a range of issues
3. Develop and use skills which will assist them to engage seriously with religions and world views
By following the Agreed Syllabus, RE will also contribute to a whole range of school priorities. Study of religious and world views will also promote spiritual, cultural, social and moral development, and will support pupils’ understanding of British Values such as acceptance and respect for others who hold different world views.
If you would like to know more about the Agreed Syllabus a copy can be made available for you to read in school. Please contact Valerie.jones@nottscc.gov.uk for more information.
We are dedicated to providing every child with a broad and balanced RE curriculum. From the pupils' first day at Rampton Primary School, our RE syllabus gives students valuable insights into the diverse beliefs & opinions held by people today. It helps with their own personal development & supports an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social & cultural questions that surface again & again in their lives.
RE in the Early Years Foundation Stage (taken from the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus 2021-2026)
Pupils will encounter religions and worldviews through special people, books, times, places and objects and by visiting places of worship. They will listen to and talk about stories. Pupils will be introduced to subject specific words and use all their senses to explore beliefs, practices and forms of expression. They will ask questions and reflect on their own feelings and experiences. They use their imagination and curiosity to develop their appreciation of and wonder at the world in which they live. Religious Education is, unlike the subjects of the National Curriculum, a legal requirement for all pupils on the school roll, including all those in the reception year. In line with the DfE’s 2013 EYFS Profile RE should, through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led and child-initiated activity, provide these opportunities for pupils.
Communication and Language
- children listen with enjoyment to stories, songs and poems from different communities and traditions and respond with relevant comments, questions or actions;
- use talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events;
- answer ‘who’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about their experiences in response to stories, experiences or events from different traditions and communities;
- talk about how they and others show feelings;
- develop their own narratives in relation to stories they hear from different communities.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- children understand that they can expect others to treat their needs, views, cultures and beliefs with respect;
- work as part of a group, taking turns and sharing fairly, understanding that groups of people need agreed values and codes of behaviour, including adults and children, to work together harmoniously;
- talk about their own and others’ behaviour and its consequences, and know that some behaviour is unacceptable;
- think and talk about issues of right and wrong and why these questions matter;
- respond to significant experiences showing a range of feelings when appropriate;
- have a developing awareness of their own needs, views and feelings and be sensitive to those of others;
- have a developing respect for their own cultures and beliefs, and those of other people;
- show sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings and form positive relationships.
Understanding the World
- children talk about similarities and differences between themselves and others, among families, communities and traditions;
- begin to know about their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people;
- explore, observe and find out about places and objects that matter in different cultures and beliefs.
Expressive Arts and Design
- children use their imagination in art, music, dance, imaginative play, rôle-play and stories to represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings;
- respond in a variety of ways to what they see, hear, smell, touch and taste.
- children access a wide range of books, poems and other written materials to ignite their interest.
- children recognise, create and describe some patterns, sorting and ordering objects simply.
These learning intentions for RE are developed from relevant areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (DfE,2013).
EYFS and KS1 Nativity - December 23
PSHE at Rampton
During key stages 1 and 2, our PSHE curriculum offers both explicit and implicit learning opportunities and experiences which reflect pupils’ increasing independence and physical and social awareness, as they move through the primary phase. It builds on the skills that pupils started to acquire during the Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online. PSHE education also helps pupils to manage the physical and emotional changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world and enables them to make an active contribution to their communities.
We are so extremely proud to tell you about the day we've had today. We have been incredibly fortunate to welcome 'Diversity Role Models' into school to lead workshops in our classes.
Diversity Role Models has been selected by the Department for Education to deliver a programme which empowers England schools to take a stand against all forms of bullying, with training interventions and resources to ensure staff have the knowledge and skills to tackle and prevent bullying and create inclusive school cultures.
Apparently, hundreds of schools across the country applied and are one of only 50 schools to be chosen. Their aim is to empower primary school pupils by embedding inclusion and empathy through education and role model storytelling. Together, we share a vision of a world where everyone embraces diversity, celebrates their individuality and can thrive by providing them with the cultural capital necessary to live a happy, healthy, truly fulfilling life.
National Curriculum
Our Golden Rules
At Rampton Primary School, through a collaborative approach, pupils and staff created these Golden Rules. As you can see, our Nestlings and EYFS pupils have language appropriate rules.
As a community, we strongly believe in a positive approach, describing what we would like to do rather than focusing on actions or words we discourage.
House Point System at Rampton
House Points are a common and traditional feature in schools to encourage healthy competition and group loyalty among pupils. We have seen how introducing a house point system has had a positive impact on motivation and behaviour, as well as encouraging a sense of camaraderie and teamwork which contributes to a thriving school culture. Our House leaders are voted in by their peers, affording them the opportunity to mentor group members and help to build good relationships.
Anti-Bullying from The Diana Award

Anti-Bullying From The Diana Award
Supported by HRH The Duke of Cambridge, The Diana Award Anti-Bullying Campaign engages young people, parents and teachers to change the attitudes, behaviour and culture of bullying by building skills and confidence to address different situations, both online and offline.
Our Ambassadors have already started by introducing ideas they learned from their training.
One Kind Word
We had such an amazing week sharing kind words within our school community, that we now have a book permanently in Reception to continue sharing the love!
Our Take Five Ambassadors

Lovely Lunches
We all want to help our children stay healthy and happy as they grow up and what happens at school every day is really important. Schools can have a direct impact on helping children to lead a healthy lifestyle, for example by making healthy food choices at lunchtime.
Lovely Lunches has been a great motivation and the benefits go beyond health - we know that when children are healthy and happy at school, they can achieve more.
SRE at Rampton
Nowadays there is a vast amount of, sometimes confusing, information about relationships and sex on the internet, on TV, in magazines, etc. which young people may have access to, and this can sometimes make an already confusing time seem even more complicated! Therefore, as part of the school’s Personal, Social and Health Education programme your child will soon receive lessons on relationships, sexual health and puberty.
The purpose of Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) is to provide knowledge and understanding of how the human body changes during puberty and the processes of human reproduction, within the context of relationships based on love and respect. It should develop understanding and attitudes which will help pupils to form relationships in a responsible and healthy manner and to appreciate the value of stable family life, including the responsibilities of parenthood and marriage.
If young people can start their transition into adulthood with good information and the confidence and knowledge to understand what is happening to them, they will hopefully grow into confident and healthy adults able to make positive choices. This can start with learning the basics about growing up and the sessions in school may reinforce what you are already doing at home.