Information for parents
Creators - Dates for your diary
Friday 13th September - Roald Dahl Day
Thursday 3rd October - Census Day
Monday 7th October – Class trip
Thursday 10th October - KS1 Football Festival
Thursday 10th October – Dawn till Dusk evening
Friday 11th October - KS1 Cricket Festival
Friday 18th October - Harvest Festival
Thursday 28th November – KS1 Dance Festival
Monday 2nd December - Nativity costumes to be in school
Thursday 5th December - Nativity (afternoon performance)
Friday 6th December - Nativity (morning performance)
Thursday 12th December - Christingle
Monday 27th January - Class trip
Thursday 6th March - World Book Day
Thursday 1st May - Walk to Rampton Village
Thursday 15th May - Class trip