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Rampton Primary School

'Enrich, Empower, Inspire'

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Information for parents

Creators - Dates for your diary


Friday 13th September - Roald Dahl Day

Thursday 3rd October - Census Day

Monday 7th October – Class trip

Thursday 10th October - KS1 Football Festival

Thursday 10th October – Dawn till Dusk evening

Friday 11th October - KS1 Cricket Festival

Friday 18th October - Harvest Festival 

Thursday 28th November – KS1 Dance Festival

Monday 2nd December - Nativity costumes to be in school

Thursday 5th December - Nativity (afternoon performance)

Friday 6th December - Nativity (morning performance)

Thursday 12th December - Christingle 

Monday 27th January - Class trip

Thursday 6th March - World Book Day

Thursday 1st May - Walk to Rampton Village

Thursday 15th May - Class trip

Letter to parents - information for the year and class routines

Curriculum overviews of our two year cycle

Creators long term plan two year cycle

Educational apps to support your child's learning at home

Drop Everything and Read information for parents

Phonics workshop - 13th March 2023
