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Rampton Primary School

'Enrich, Empower, Inspire'

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         Miss Pettit                     Mrs Beasant                   



A big welcome to Creators Class with Miss Pettit and Mrs Beasant.

Welcome back to what is going to be an exciting autumn term in Creators Class! We are thrilled to welcome all our year 2s back into class and are loving getting to know our new year 1s who are settling in really well.


Our project this term will be Childhood. This project will focus on teaching the children about everyday life and families today, including comparisons with childhood in the 1950s, using artefacts and a range of different sources.

Here are some pictures of our wonderful new Creators children from our first few days back at school!

Key information


Everyday-Please make sure you have reading books, diaries and water bottles in school. 


Wednesday- PE 

Please make sure children come to school in their correct PE kit, as outlined in our uniform policy.

PE lessons will be both in the hall and outdoors, where possible. 



The children's weekly homework is made up of reading, practising spellings and online maths on Numbots.

It is expected that the children read at least 3 times a week at home to support their phonics and comprehension to become more fluent and competent readers. 


We aim to encourage our children to become life-long readers who share a love of reading.

On Fridays the children will bring home a ‘sharing’ book. This is a book the children can choose to share with you at home. This is to encourage the children to enjoy reading for pleasure, allowing them to choose a reading book or story book that may be beyond their reading level but one of their choice to explore their own interests. These books are called ‘sharing’ books as they are for you to share with and read to your child. When the children have shared these books with you, these can be written in their reading diaries and counted towards their weekly reads. We encourage any reading! Any home reading, whether it be a magazine, comic, newspaper, can also be recorded in the reading diaries and counted towards weekly reads.



Take a look at our list of home learning ideas below. Children will be awarded dojos for any project homework they bring in to share with the class. 

Drop Everything and Read - Thursday 4th May

On Thursday 4th May, we hosted a Drop Everything and Read event, where parents were invited in to Drop Everything and Read with us! Information shared during this event can be found below, in the Parent Information page and has also been shared on Dojo. Here is some lovely feedback from one of our parents. If anyone would like any further support or has any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

‘Thank you for inviting us today, to drop everything and read . My son loved been able to read with me at school and it was great for me to learn how I can help him to achieve more from his reading and highlighting the importance of reading at home.’


Our Reading Champions encourages children to read for pleasure. In addition to our DEAR time in the classroom, children are asked to read at least 3-5 times a week at home. Reading diaries will be checked on a Friday. They have the added incentive of earning 2 dojos for reading more than 3 times and 3 dojos for reading more than 5 times a week. Special award stickers will be given when children have read 10, 30 or 50 books! 

Big thank you to all our parents for supporting your child to read at home. 
