Parlez-vous français?
The ability to speak two languages is a wonderful gift. At Rampton Primary School, we take pride in delivering French lessons throughout the school, including EYFS. Far greater pride is felt when listening to the children choosing to speak French at playtimes, when greeting teachers or at home times with their parents or carers.
Through a progressive knowledge based curriculum, we immerse our pupils in enriching experiences, enabling the love of the language to flourish and grow during their most formative years. We believe that the language awareness we provide them in our setting, will enhance their experiences of language in secondary school.




Nous avons joué à Cache Cache et avons compté jusqu'à dix.
We played hide and seek and counted to ten.
Nous avons joué à un jeu avec les jours de la semaine.
We played a game with the days of the week.
La nourriture - Food
Qu'est-ce que tu aimes manger?
What do you like to eat?
Nous avons joué au bingo en français
We played bingo in french.
Nous avons joué à un jeu interactif sur les objets de la salle de classe.
We played an interactive classroom object game.
Nous avons écouté une histoire française.
We listened to a french story.
Où est le livre?
Where is the book?