School Closure 20 March 2020
Dear parent/carers,
I am aware that some of you have concerns regarding your children’s provision over the coming weeks. The latest update from the government (click the link to see full information) clearly states that where children can stay at home, parents must make every provision possible for this to happen. The guidance clearly states that if you are not critical to the fight of Covid-19 and your children are able to stay at home, then they must do so.
Having been in touch with the local authority, I have stated that our school, due to the situation with our Site Manager, cannot provide a safe environment for vulnerable pupils or pupils of key workers. I have therefore been in touch with Tuxford Academy and under an emergency situation only, they are able to provide a childcare setting. This stipulation is their general offer to all parents of any category across all the DALP Trust and any other school they are supporting such as ourselves.
May I please stress that in any of these settings the children will not be supported by our staff on any specific regular basis and will only be provided with childminding facility and no support to their education whatsoever. They will also therefore be placed with children from a variety of settings, which contradicts the governments scientific and health advice, clearly advising against social gatherings taking place.
I cannot therefore stress how strongly I feel that we should not be putting our children into settings where there is a greater potential risk of contracting the virus and taking it home to the most valuable members of our community ie frontline key workers who are fighting the Covid 19 virus. However, if you feel there is an emergency situation with your childcare provision, which Tuxford Academy will require confirmation of, please contact me via my school email.
Please take great care of yourselves and your families and we hope to see you all soon.
Best wishes
Mrs Helen Roberts