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  • Supporting your child’s wellbeing at this time

    Mon 20 Apr 2020

    Dear parents and carers,

    During this difficult time I wanted to reach out to let you know that, even though our school is currently closed, we’re still here to support you, your child and your family in whatever way we can. As you know, the development of the whole child is fundamental to the provision we offer and embedded in our vision and therefore supporting their mental health during this time is important to us.


    You might be noticing signs of increasing anxiety in your child as they are spending more time indoors and outside of their normal routines. These might include:

    For our pupils aged 3-6 years:

    • Regressing to behaviour they’ve outgrown, such as thumb-sucking or bed-wetting
    • Showing greater fear at being separated from you
    • Tantrums
    • Trouble sleeping

    For our pupils aged 7-10 years:

    • Expressing sadness, anger or fear
    • Sharing false information that they’re hearing from their peers or seeing online
    • Wanting to talk about the coronavirus all the time
    • Not wanting to talk about the current situation at all
    • Having trouble concentrating

    For our eldest pupils and their older siblings:

    • Acting out – this might include things like picking fights with you or with siblings or abusing alcohol or drugs
    • Becoming afraid to leave the house
    • Distancing themselves from their friends and family
    • Exhibiting intense emotions but being unable to talk about what they’re feeling


    From national government documentation, we have put together some resources and advice to help you support your child. We hope you find this information helpful.

    If you have any concerns about how your child is coping or you need any other support from the school, please let us know by emailing 


    We are extremely grateful for all the continued support you have shown us as we have adapted to these new circumstances, and we want to reassure you that we are still here to support you too.

    We can and will get through this together.


    Kind regards,

    Mrs Helen Roberts




    Take care of yourself

    It is really important right now to take care of your own physical and mental health. Children are very perceptive, and they react to what they sense from the adults around them.

    Here are some things you can do to help keep yourself healthy:

    • Connect with others – maintain relationships with people you care about through phone and video calls
    • Exercise – take some time every day to move. You could go for a walk or run. You’ll also find lots of fitness videos online for everything from yoga to dance. Find something you enjoy and that makes you feel good
    • Eat healthy meals – try to keep a well-balanced diet and drink enough water
    • Get some sleep – being anxious or worried can have a big impact on your sleep. If you are struggling to get a good night’s sleep, try to develop a calming bedtime routine – for example, do 10 minutes of yoga or listen to calming music. There are also apps you can download that provide guided meditation to help you get to sleep more quickly
    • Turn off the news – it is important to keep up to date, but the 24-hour news cycle can make you more anxious. Limit your exposure to the news to only a small amount of time, just enough to know what the latest government guidance is
    • Do things you enjoy – now that we’re all spending more time at home, we can finally take up that hobby we’ve always meant to learn. Try baking or gardening or learning to knit. These are also great activities we can share with our children
    • Set goals – it’s easy to lose track of the days in our current situation, so it can be helpful to set daily and weekly goals to give us a sense of control and purpose. Examples might be setting a goal of walking for half an hour at least 3 times this week or reading a new book
    • Connect with the outdoors – depending on where you live, it may not be possible to spend time outside. If you don’t have a garden or terrace, you can still open a window to let some fresh air and sunlight in. Put a comfortable chair by the window so you can look outside and get some air as you read a book
    • Talk to someone – during this difficult time, sharing with family and friends how you’re feeling and what you’re doing to cope can be helpful for both you and them. There are also helplines you can call for support – we’ve included a list at the end of this pack


    How to talk to your child about what’s happening

    No matter how calmly you manage the current environment, children are likely to be anxious, so it is important to talk to them about what’s happening.


    For our younger children

    Children pick up bits of information from their friends, from the news and from listening to adults talking around them – but they can misunderstand what they’re hearing.

     Deal with the news head-on and talk about it openly and calmly, giving them the facts

    Give them age-appropriate information – take a look at:

    • BBC Newsround hub – regularly updated with information and advice
    • #covibook – for under 7s
    • Children’s guide to coronavirus – a download from the Children’s Commissioner to help explain the situation to children
    • Teach them how to know if information they find on the internet is reliable. Explain how some stories on social media may be based on rumours or inaccurate information
    • Encourage them to take breaks from listening to or reading the news – overexposure isn't helpful

    Encourage questions

    • This will give them the confidence to reach out, if they have anything to ask
    • Be reassuring but honest when answering questions – it's ok if you don't have all the answers
    • Be ready to answer the same question over and over – children tend to repeat themselves when they're feeling uncertain or worried, so you might have to answer the same questions more than once as they seek extra reassurance

    Be a role model

    • Recognise and manage your own worries first
    • Be open about your own feelings and let them know it’s normal to be concerned – for example, let them know you’re also finding the news a bit worrying and what you’re doing to stay calm

    Explain how our body's immune system protects us

    • It's constantly working against germs without us knowing. We can't and don't need to control this process
    • Explain that we're taking precautions against this particular germ because it's a new one which our bodies haven't come across before
    • Remind them how important it is that they eat healthy food, sleep and exercise, as this helps to fight germs
    • If it helps, reassure them that the effects of this virus on healthy young people are very mild

    Keep doing your bit to help children reduce the spread of germs

    • Remind them to maintain good hygiene like bathing daily and wearing fresh clothes
    • Encourage them to sing 'happy birthday' twice when they're washing their hands


    For our older children

    Older children will have the same anxieties about their own health and that of their family and friends as younger children. But they’re also likely to feel socially isolated, and worried about the result of school closures on their education and what life will be like after the pandemic is over.

    In addition to the steps above:

    Reassure them that when more guidance comes from the school about how grades will be awarded, you’ll share this with them as soon as you have it – you could also check that they understand the information you’ve received so far, in case there are any points of confusion or worry that the school could help to clarify

    Encourage them to maintain social ties – relationships are especially important for older children, so give them room to keep in touch with their friends

    Equip them with accurate information for example:

    Share tools to help them manage anxiety


    If you are child struggles with higher levels of anxiety 

    Some children are naturally more anxious, such as those with existing phobias or obsessive-compulsive disorders. The current situation can make those anxieties worse.

    • Get them to do activities such as counting, ordering and sorting tasks which can help them calm down
    • Encourage them to use relaxation techniques such as controlled breathing, for example, using Take Five.  
    • Look out for obsessive or compulsive behaviours and try to get ahead of them early by challenging unhelpful thoughts and assumptions
    • If you’re worried about your child’s anxiety, YoungMinds is a charity dedicated to children’s mental health. They’ve opened a parents’ helpline for confidential, expert advice. You can reach them at 0808 802 5544


    Helplines and websites for children and young people

    If your child would like to speak with someone confidentially, there are helplines and websites specifically for them.



    Contact information


    Free, confidential support via text, available 24/7

    Text SHOUT to 85258 in the UK to text with a trained crisis volunteer who’ll provide active listening and collaborative problem-solving

    The Mix

    Free confidential telephone helpline and online service that aims to find young people the best help, whatever the problem


    Confidential telephone counselling service for any child with a problem



    How to make home learning work for your family

    As we have stated in previous updates and in our Remote Learning Policy, we are realistic about what pupils will be able to do during this period, and we want you to be too.

    You are not expected to become teachers and your children are not expected to learn as they do in school. Simply providing them with some structure at home will help them to adapt.

    The following tips are designed to help you create a positive learning environment at home. See what works best for your household.

    • Create and stick to a routine if you can. This is what children are used to. For example, eat breakfast at the same time and make sure they're dressed before starting the ‘school’ day – avoid staying in pyjamas!
    • Involve your children in setting the timetable where possible. It’s a great opportunity for them to manage their own time better and it’ll give them ownership
    • Check in with your children and try to keep to the timetable, but be flexible. If a task/activity is going well or they want more time, let it extend where possible
    • If you have more than one child at home, consider combining their timetables. For example, they might exercise and do maths together – see what works for your household
    • Designate a working space if possible, and at the end of the day have a clear cut-off to signal school time is over
    • Stick the timetable up on the wall so everyone knows what they should be doing when, and tick activities off throughout the day
    • Take stock at the end of each week. What's working and what isn't? Ask your children, involve them too
    • Distinguish between weekdays and weekends, to separate school life and home life
    • Give them chores to do so they feel more responsible about the daily routine at home
    • Ask them to help you cook and bake 
    • Accept that they'll probably watch more TV/spend time on their phone – that's ok but you might want to set/agree some screen time limits

    Please don’t worry about your children getting behind with learning. Everyone’s in the same boat, and when things get back to normal we’ll make sure we get everyone back on track.


    Where to find learning resources online

    There’s plenty of support for parents online for everything from tools for home learning to PE. Your child’s class teacher will provide more detailed information via Class Dojo and Office teams but additional support can be found here:


    Contact information

    BBC Bitesize

    Online resource for learning and revision. Starting on 20 April, you’ll also find daily lessons to support home learning



    Movement and mindfulness videos for primary children



    Free home learning resources for all ages in science, technology, engineering and maths




    This popular site for teachers is now offering free daily activities for home learning


    English National Ballet

    Free ballet classes streamed daily



    Where to turn to for help

    It’s okay to not be okay. We all need someone to talk to sometimes. If you feel overwhelmed, at risk of abuse or experiencing financial need, there are people you can call on for support:


    On April 22, Nottinghamshire Healthcare Foundation Trust has launched a new mental health helpline for local people in crisis. The helpline number is 0300 303 0165 and is available to anyone in mental health crisis at anytime, anywhere across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Available 24 hours a day, seven-days a week, it’s the number to call if you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need immediate help. It’s open to people of all ages who need urgent mental health support. The helpline has been launched as part of the NHS Long Term Plan’s investment in Mental Health Services. It is the ‘first port of call’ for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis and removes the need for those people to seek help via hospital.


    Additional mental health support


    Contact information

    Mental Health Foundation

    Provides information and support for anyone with mental health problems or learning disabilities




    A mental health charity

    Phone: 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm)



    Youth suicide prevention society


    Phone: 0800 068 4141 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 10pm, and 2pm to 10pm on weekends and bank holidays)



    Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair

    Phone: 116 123 (free 24-hour helpline)



    Emotional support, information and guidance for people affected by mental illness, their families and carers



    A charity dedicated to children’s mental health

    Phone: Parents' helpline 0808 802 5544 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4pm)


    Cruse Bereavement Care

    Support for grief and bereavement

    Phone: 0808 808 1677 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 5pm)




    Domestic violence


    Contact information


    Child protection charity


    Phone: 0808 800 5000 for adults concerned about a child (24-hour helpline)

    0800 1111 for children (ChildLine’s 24-hour helpline)



    Advice on dealing with domestic violence

    Phone: 0808 2000 247 (24-hour helpline)




  • School closure update

    Mon 20 Apr 2020 Mrs Helen Roberts

    Good afternoon Parents/Carers,

    I hope this finds you all safe and well. May I say how immensely grateful we are for your continued support during this extremely difficult time. We appreciate the day-to-day challenges you will be facing when trying to juggle your many commitments and responsibilities whilst also supporting your child's education. 


    The entire team conducted a 'Zoom staff meeting' this morning to ensure that we are all able to continue to support you as much as possible over these next few weeks. Your child's teacher will be communicating this next wave of support via Office Teams and Class Dojo. I have also composed a new 'Remote Learning Policy' for you to understand our commitments to you and your child throughout this time. It also clearly states that, whilst your support is extremely appreciated, all we are asking for is 'your best efforts to complete any work set' . We fully understand that accessing online work can prove extremely difficult and therefore may not be possible in some cases. It is certainly not our aim to add additional stress or anxiety during these unprecedented times. Therefore, please do not become stressed about completing all the work that is being set. It is there to support and help you and your child and certainly not to cause pressure or concern. 


    Having said that, your child's teacher is currently uploading new and exciting lessons for your child to complete. However, if you are struggling in any way whatsoever, to access online resources or support your child in any way, please inform your child's teacher. We are making provision available for paper/hard copies to be delivered where necessary. 


    Please be assured that you and your family's health and safety are our main priorities throughout this time. Our desire is that we all return to school safe and healthy and are able to share some of our thoughts and feelings and learn from the many challenges and experiences we will have faced. 


    If you require any support, please do not hesitate to contact me on my email 


    Stay safe and well and we look forward to seeing you all soon. 


    Kindest regards

    Helen Roberts






  • FAQ Covid-19 Update

    Tue 07 Apr 2020 Mrs H Roberts

    Coronavirus (Covid-19)

    Frequently Asked Questions


    Dear Parents/Carers

    I hope you are all keeping safe and well at this difficult time. 


    Taking the decision to close a school is one of the most difficult decisions any headteacher can make.  We spoke to the LA and other local schools to make sure that we kept the safety and best interests of our students and staff at the forefront of our decisions and plans.


    Many school leaders have been asked sensible, practical questions and we are sharing our answers to the most frequent questions below:


    Why did the school close?

    On Friday 20 March, the national government guidance was for schools to close to all pupils.  The only exceptions being vulnerable pupils and those children with parents regarded as critical workers, actively fighting the Covid-19 who require emergency childcare provision. Even then, if your child could remain at home, they should. Unfortunately, our school caretaker was unable to work beyond March 19, which then affected the safety of our site. At a time when deep cleaning exercises were essential, we could not guarantee the safety of our pupils or staff and therefore had to close the school.


    What happens if I need emergency childcare?

    If an emergency does arise and you are unable to ensure your child’s safety at home, parents are asked to contact the headteacher, Mrs Helen Roberts via her school email, when provision will be provided at Tuxford Academy. This email is essential to ensure that sufficient staffing is in place to meet with the appropriate regulations regarding ratio. Tuxford Academy are offering provision from 9.00am to 3.15pm, excluding bank holidays and weekends.


    How often will the school be updating messages on the website?

    We will update the messages on the website as the situation changes. In addition, we will add links to further documents when it is appropriate.


    Is work being set for our pupils?

    Staff are working incredibly hard to post lessons and resources on Class Dojo and Office Teams and many pupils are receiving extremely individualised learning support due to differing levels of access and demands. We have also created a rich library of online learning resources which you will find on our website:


    How will the school keep in touch with my child during term time?

    Each of our class teachers have been making contact with you and your child at home through our Dojo system and Office teams, to see how they are getting along. Parents and pupils also have the opportunity to message their class teacher regarding any work being set or any concerns you have. The Headteacher is in contact with all staff on a daily basis and being kept informed of any communication where additional support is required. She can also be contacted on this email directly by parents, should this be necessary:


    How can I contact school if I have concerns about my child’s learning/development?

    In the first instance, contact your child’s class teacher on Class Dojo or Office Teams. If the concern continues, contact the headteacher on  


    What will happen with statutory testing?

    All SATs and screening tests have been cancelled.


    What do I do if there is a safeguarding concern?

    In the case of a safeguarding concern whilst the school is closed, there are a number of contact details:

    MASH: 03005008090

    New referrals: 0115 8041272

    The Government have also created safeguarding documents for you to access:



    There are conflicting messages on social media – what should I believe?

    It is important that you only rely on official school communication that is carried on the website, on Class Dojo, Office Teams and on official emails from staff.

    Sources of information:


    BBC News:\news 


    NHS Website: 


    NHS 111 website: 





    There is a considerable amount of misinformation and disinformation in circulation and it is important that families question the validity of what they are reading if it is not from a school source.


    What happens with all the planned trips, fixtures and events?

    At the moment, we are unable to say if trips will be on and are waiting for the latest government guidance. However, if trips are cancelled, parents will receive a full refund including deposits.


    How will the school calendar change going forward?

    Calendar changes are likely due to events being cancelled or if there has been a need to move events. However, this will have to be managed on an ongoing basis. It may be possible that some events will be postponed or cancelled for this academic year and these decisions will be taken on a case by case basis. These decisions will be communicated as appropriate.


    How is absence due to the situation being recorded?

    School closures are recorded centrally. The code Y is issued to denote pupils unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances. The local authority has been notified that our school has closed.


    When the school reopens will it be business as usual?

    It is too soon to say on this and a view will be taken and communicated nearer the time based on the best advice and guidance.


    Is it possible to access the school site if there is a need?

    The school is closed so therefore there will be no access.


    How is school transport affected?

    The school has notified the relevant companies and will continue to liaise with them over closures and a future reopening.


    Will the school be deep cleaned while it is closed?

    There is no evidence that anyone at the school had the virus nor that the virus was in school whilst it was still open. However, we have organised a deep clean as a precautionary measure only.


    What happens when the school reopens for people with pre-existing medical conditions that may be more susceptible to coronavirus?

    We will be checking our current records and asking all people to take responsibility to ensure that the details held by the school are accurate, correct and up to date. If there is a need, there will be healthcare plans and risk assessments completed. As the school prepares to reopen at a later date, we will reassess the situation based on the best advice and guidance at the time.


    We hope that you have found this useful. Please continue to take excellent care of yourselves and your families. We appreciate all the work you are doing to continue to support your child’s education at this extremely difficult time.


    Best Wishes,

    Mrs Helen Roberts

