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Rampton Primary School

'Enrich, Empower, Inspire'

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Movers and Shakers

This project will explore famous significant figures. Here are some of the historical people we will be learning about in class this term. 

Have a go at this fun activity sorting the significant people. Use the document below to help you if you need to!

Here are the categories for how we sort significant people

Have a go at diamond ranking the significant individuals from what you think are the most to least significant people

This week, we have been learning about some more explorers, such as Vasco de Gama, Captain James Cook and Roald Amundsen and their voyages. The children have loved learning the seven continents song too and are getting very good at recognising the continents our famous explorers might have travelled to. Here are some of the links to the videos we watched in class to help us learn about these famous people.
