Update 9/6/2020
Dear Parent/Carer,
Re: School potentially reopening to reception, year 1 and year 6 children from 15th June 2020
I hope that you are continuing to stay safe and well. As you will be aware, the guidance from the teacher’s unions at the end of May was that, following the most recent independent scientific advice, it was not safe for schools to reopen to the year groups until at least 15th June 2020.
We are hoping that Rampton Primary School will be able to go ahead with reopening to reception, year 1 and year 6 children in addition to critical key worker and vulnerable children from Monday 15th June, and to enable planning for this, it would be appreciated if you could contact your child’s teacher to say if a place will be required or not.
For clarity, attendance for the rest of this academic term is not mandatory even if a year group place is offered. The specified year group children will be offered morning sessions only and will be taught in line with their curriculum. The critical key worker and vulnerable children who are not in the specified year groups will be provided with childcare only but will be able to attend for both morning and afternoon sessions. The school will still close at 12 noon on Fridays to allow for a weekly deep clean throughout the whole building.
Please could you indicate to your child’s teacher by 4pm on Wednesday 10th June if your child will require a place in a bubble from Monday 15th June, working on the basis that we are given the go-ahead to reopen? Once the bubbles are set, we will not add any more children to a bubble for the next two weeks, to avoid movement and contact across bubbles.
Yours sincerely
Mrs H. Roberts